How to Activate Half-Price Software



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If you read and follow our directions it will take 3 emails to activate your purchase.

  1. Purchase the software then email your Unlock Request Code to Treskat.
  2. Treskat will email the Unlock Key Code to you which will put a serial number on your computer.
  3. Start the program you purchased and follwow the on-screen directions for the Passcode.

Step by Step

  1. Download and install your software from the Download section.

  2. Click on the yellow and blue LeMenu icon on your desktop. This will start the LeMenu program.

  3. Click "1/2 Price Activate."

Here's What to Expect

Select the highlighted choice then click Next.


When you receive the Unlock Key Code, start Activate program again (blue screen).
Take the second choice to "Enter the Unlock Keycode that Treskat sent me."



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