Treskat software is encrypted to prevent hacking and reverse engineering. Anyone in the world can download Treskat software, including our lock code database, but it won't work without a license key. Some anti-virus programs see this "secret encryption" as a possible threat and may trash the files without even asking you first. When you cannot install software try disabling the antivirus software temporarily.

Treskat has been providing software to lockmsiths since 1982. Our software does not contain viruses!

Disable All Anti-Virus for 10 Minutes

More than one anti-virus? Download SecuritySoftview.rar freeware to find them all. Unlock password is unlock

After you install Treskat software, run it to make sure everything works. Then turn your anti-virus back on and recheck to make sure it still works.

All anti-virus software has a switch to disable it for a few minutes. This is an important requirement and every anti-virus product on the market has this important on-off switch. If you don't already know how to do this then Google "temporarily disable antivirus for " and the name of your program.

Other Solutions:

  1. Add the program to your anti-virus exceptions list.
  2. Submit the offending download, and our website name, to your anti-virus vendor for examination.

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